2Family – The Foundation of Every Nation

The family unit is a seed of order for the society and it is also what God uses to transmit knowledge, tradition, cultures and even righteousness from generation to generation. The family may be the smallest unit of socialization but it is the foundation of every nation.

When God created Adam and Eve, He could have created multiple persons if He wanted but He did not so that the bedrock of all human creation will come from two persons. It is a principle found in the scriptures “out of one come many”.

God created in the family an understanding of structure that we must follow so there will be order in the society.  The family is  patterned in a way so as individuals we can stay in our correct places and provide the right assistance and support within the structure.

The family is expected to be the first place where children should understand what love is because, when they see how responsible their parents are, how their parents love and respect each other, they will tend to understand and express love in the correct way. Therefore, parents must learn to be submissive to one another because where there is submission there is harmony and when there is a disconnect, effort increases with little result.


The family is a fundamental unit of the nation. When the families of a nation are vibrant, strong and well structured the way they ought to be, there will be progress and development. But an aggregation of dysfunctional families will only birth a dysfunctional nation.

As a family, we must teach ourselves to be godly, responsible and submissive to each other in the society.

Remember, blessed families are the building blocks of great nations and when families are anchored in righteousness the nation flourishes.

BIBLE REFERENCES: Genesis 12:1 -3, Genesis 1:26 -28, Psalm 127:3


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